
Is a trusted advisor or a trusted guide, some organizations defined the mentor as an older friend, whether a business owner or entrepreneurs or a freelancer, ikhdimni meant to serve you all, in general that was what – Mentorship meaning



Short & Long terms

in general the relation has to be a long term when it comes to recognize achievements or observing goals accomplishment as well.

Mentoring business proposals

empowering your potential win-win situation when comes to writing a business proposal, as a mentor should be side by side with you make your out-put forms high level of professionalism.

Mentorship entrepreneurship

a situation which your business will need a mentor to generating a new business idea, so the mentor in this example will set up a common entrepreneur mind set, and then bring out of the creativity from you.

The important of having a mentor

Frankly we believe that’s the mentor is not someone who is smarter than you are, he is only someone gained more years and made a lot of mistakes, so he can offer you a solution that will help you avoid doing the very same mistakes he did once before.

Mentorship patterns

Upon situation that has much different from one to another, whether is it a personal life mentorship or a business purpose  even an entrepreneurship start-up, it is all granted in ikhdimni, you can choose from different variety of mentorship patterns.

How does it work

starting from a career development going though high potential mentoring, or diversity mentorship, as well as a reverse mentoring style, or knowledge transfer mentorship model, all of these patterns are provided by ikhdimni.

Test and try (Trailer)

ikhdimni is welcoming you yet inviting you to test our services, freelancers & entrepreneurs & micro business with the small business are more than welcome to request.

What are you waiting for

it is affordable with ikhdimni, yet proudly we announce in ikhdimni that’s we are the 1st in Kuwait  who is providing the mentorship service for entrepreneurs.

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