KD 45.000

Manage your business, Track your projects, assign tasks, milestone, time management and much more…

Select Package *

Multiple selection is allowed

Integration to Payment Gateway *

Supported Gateway:
– Myfatoorah
– Upay

Translation To Arabic *

Specific Customization

Product price
Additional options total:
Order total:


  • Web Hosting From Us


Whats Included:

  • Installation
  • Customization based on your needs from the options selector



  • Dashboard
  • Calendar
  • File Manager
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Clients
  • To-Do List



  • Estimates
  • Recurring Invoice
  • Payments Received
  • Proposals
  • Tax Rates
  • Quotations
  • Client Report
  • Credit Note
  • Leads
  • Sales Report



  • Salary Template
  • Hourly Payment
  • Manage Salaries
  • Employee List Salary
  • Make Payment
  • Generate Payslip
  • Payroll Summary
  • Advance Salary
  • Provident Fund
  • Overtime
  • Employee Award


Tasks / Projects:

  • Projects Tasks
  • Projects Bugs
  • Projects Report
  • Opportunities
  • Tasks
  • Task Report



  • Expense
  • Deposit
  • Transfer
  • Transactions Report
  • Transfer Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Bank & Cash


HR / Support:

  • Tickets
  • Tickets Report
  • Knowledgebase
  • Recruitment
  • Announcement
  • Training
  • Bugs
  • Bugs Report
  • Private Chat
  • Termination
  • Promotion
  • Warning



  • Clock In, Clock Out
  • Time History
  • Timechange Request
  • Attendance Report
  • Mark Attendance
  • Leave Management
  • By Company IP Range
  • By Distance Interval (Geolocation)



  • Indicator
  • Give Appraisal
  • Performance Report



  • Items
  • Point of Sale
  • Best Selling Items
  • Warehouses
  • Supplier
  • Purchase
  • Return Stock
  • Purchase Payment


Office Asset:

  • Stock Category
  • Stock List
  • Manage Stock
  • Assign Stock
  • Stock Report


Shift Management

  • Dashboard
  • Manage Shift
  • Shift Mapping